Oracle AIA 2.5 Installation Issues : Foundation Pack build failed – FPInstall.xml FPCheckSOAServerStatus AIAErrorTask Administration Process

I recently installed Oracle Application Integration Architecture (AIA 2.5) for training here and encountered few issues so I thought it would be good idea to share issues and fix here.

1. Abnormal Program Termination An Internal error has occured : Issue – Corrupt Software : Fix – Download Software again from eDelivery 

2. FP failed at configuration screen : Issue – installed AIA using database user with NO sysdba privilege : Fix – Give sysdba privilege to user or use SYS account

3. AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess : Issue – FP Build failed at AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess : Fix – Unknown


Issue 1

 Caused by corrupt media (software)


Issue 2

Inventory Logs : $oraInventory/logs/oraInstall[timestamp].err


java.lang.Exception: Error executing the command:

setenv PATH /oracle/apps/soa/aia254/apache-ant-1.7.0/bin:/oracle/apps/soa/mid/jdk/bin:$PATH && setenv ANT_HOME /oracle/apps/soa/aia254/apache-ant-1.7.0 && setenv JAVA_HOME /oracle/apps/soa/mid/jdk && setenv DEPLOY_COMP oracle.aia.common && setenv ORACLE_HOME /oracle/apps/soa/mid && setenv AIA_HOME /oracle/apps/soa/aia254&& setenv BPEL_HOME /oracle/apps/soa/mid/bpel && cd /oracle/apps/soa/aia254/Infrastructure/install/scripts && ant –noconfig -buildfile FPInstall.xml
        at Source)
        at Source)
        at Source)
        at Source)

On looking at AIA Installation Log at $AIA_HOME/logs/Install/[FP|PIPS]/[FPInstall][timestamp].log

FP – Foundation Pack
PIP – Process Integration Pack
AIA – Application Integration Architecture


     [echo] —-Checking for sysdba previleges for given database user
     [echo] Please use the user with sysdba privileges
/oracle/apps/soa/aia254/ Infrastructure/install/ scripts/FPInstall.xml:115: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/oracle/ apps/ soa/ aia254/ Infrastructure/ install/ scripts/ FPCheckSOAServerStatus.xml:62: Please use the user with sysdba privileges
Total time: 1 second


Looking at error message I realised that I used system to connect to database during AIA installation. By default SYS has the SYSDBA privilege which SYSTEM doesn’t .

How to check users with sysdba privileges in your database ?

SQL> select * from v$pwfile_users;

USERNAME                       SYSDB SYSOP
—————————— —– —–
SYS                            TRUE  TRUE

To fix this issue

1) Use SYS account during installation

2) Give sysdba privilege to database user used during AIA install

How to grant sysdba privileges to any user in your database ?

SQL> grant sysdba to [username];

Grant succeeded.

Issue 3


/oracle/ apps/ soa/ aia255/ Infrastructure/ ErrorHandling/ AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess/ build.xml:209: A problem occured while connecting to server “” using port “7777”: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.collaxa.cube. CubeLogger.error(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/ String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/ lang/Throwable;)Vat

About the Author Atul Kumar

Oracle ACE, Author, Speaker and Founder of K21 Technologies & K21 Academy : Specialising in Design, Implement, and Trainings.

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Chetan says August 11, 2010

I am following AIA 2.5 install guide 852222.1, to install AIA on top of SOA, I am at section 6.3 step 5 now, but the build is failing with follwowing error getting checkForSOAnDBPriv:

/u01/app/uat/aia/Infrastructure/install/scripts/FPInstall.xml:115: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/u01/app/uat/aia/Infrastructure/install/scripts/FPCheckSOAServerStatus.xml:40: Please install SOA Suite with advanced installation option before installing FP

Do I need to create a file under Apache/Apache/conf , is the step3 in 6.3 incorrect.

Atul Kumar says August 11, 2010

@Chetan, What option did you select during soa installation ? Which document
u r followed to install SOA

Chetan says August 11, 2010

Hi Atul,
I was able to proceed with the above step by touching file httpd.conf under conf dir, but now I am stuck with AIA install in appnode1. I am folllowing note AIA – 852222.1

the issue is with URI I am getting below error gollowing section 6.3 step 5 of AIA guide
The log says –
[echo] ————————————————————–
[echo] | Deploying bpel process AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess on, port 7001
[echo] ————————————————————–
[deployProcess] Deploying process /u01/app/uat/aia/Infrastructure/ErrorHandling/AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess/output/bpel_AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess_1.0.jar
[deployProcess] Successfully deployed the process “AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess” on server “” and port “7001”

[echo] ————————————————————–
[echo] | Deploying workflow form for AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess on, port 7001
[echo] ————————————————————–
[deployTaskForm] Failed at “Could not get DeploymentManager”.
[deployTaskForm] This is typically the result of an invalid deployer URI format being supplied, the target server not being in a started state or incorrect authentication details being supplied.
[deployTaskForm] More information is available by enabling logging — please see the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide for details.

But the same uri worked in appnode2-


venu g says August 3, 2013

Hi, While Installing AIAFP 2.5 i got the error like the below , can u please help me to resolve the problem, i am looking for your reply
[echo] ————————————————————–
[echo] | Deploying workflow form for AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess on siebdev, port 7778
[echo] ————————————————————–
[deployTaskForm] Failed at “Could not get DeploymentManager”.
[deployTaskForm] This is typically the result of an invalid deployer URI format being supplied, the target server not being in a started state or incorrect authentication details being supplied.
[deployTaskForm] More information is available by enabling logging — please see the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide for details.

[oracle:deploy] 13/08/01 17:28:46 Notification ==>Binding web application(s) to site default-web-site begins…
[oracle:deploy] 13/08/01 17:28:59 Notification ==>Binding web application(s) to site default-web-site ends…
[oracle:deploy] 13/08/01 17:28:59 Notification ==>Application Deployer for AIAApplication COMPLETES. Operation time: 20797 msecs
[oracle:deploy] Application deployer for AIAApplication COMPLETES.
[echo] – Deployment of AIAApplication.ear completed

[oracle:deploy] Deploying application MirrorServlet.
[oracle:deploy] Application deployer for MirrorServlet COMPLETES.


[echo] – Deploying the war ESBErrorListenerMDB.ear deployer:oc4j:opmn://siebdev:6004/oc4j_soa oc4jadmin
[oracle:deploy] Deploying application ESBErrorListenerMDB.
[oracle:deploy] Application deployer for ESBErrorListenerMDB COMPLETES.
[echo] – Deployment of ESBErrorListenerMDB.ear completed



[echo] ————————————————————–
[echo] | Editing AIAConfigurationProperties.xml
[echo] ————————————————————–
[echo] AIAServiceConfiguration.xml not present

[echo] ————————————————————–
[echo] | Customising WSDL
[echo] ————————————————————–
[customiseSchemaLocation] Customising WSDL Schema Location!

[echo] ————————————————————–
[echo] | Validating workflow
[echo] ————————————————————–
[validateTask] Validation of workflow task definitions is completed without errors

[echo] ————————————————————–
[echo] | Compiling bpel process AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess, revision 1.0
[echo] ————————————————————–

[echo] ————————————————————–
[echo] | Deploying bpel process AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess on siebdev, port 7778
[echo] ————————————————————–
[deployProcess] Successfully deployed the process “AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess” on server “siebdev” and port “7778”

[echo] ————————————————————–
[echo] | Deploying workflow form for AIAErrorTaskAdministrationProcess on siebdev, port 7778
[echo] ————————————————————–
[deployTaskForm] Failed at “Could not get DeploymentManager”.
[deployTaskForm] This is typically the result of an invalid deployer URI format being supplied, the target server not being in a started state or incorrect authentication details being supplied.
[deployTaskForm] More information is available by enabling logging — please see the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide for details.

    Atul Kumar says August 3, 2013

    What is application server on which you are trying to deploy AIAFP 2.5 ?
    Which documentation you are folloing ?

    It looks like server on which you are trying to deploy AIAFP is not running

venu g says August 3, 2013

thanks for the reply,
we are using application server as oc4j,
error showing like the server is not up and running, but it is up and running. The error code is OUI-25031 as like issue 2 in this blog.

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