Test your Apps DBA skills – Interview Questions for Oracle Apps DBAs

Q. How would you know that your applications setup is a using shared APPL_TOP configuration ?

– If you apply a patch, it should be visible on all nodes (APPL_TOP) which are part of shared APPL_TOP configuration.
– Since APPL_TOP is on a shared disk, create file in APPL_TOP from one node, it should be visible from other nodes.

To Know more on shared APPL_TOP check metalink note
243880.1  Shared APPL_TOP FAQ
384248.1  Sharing The Application Tier File System in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
233428.1  Sharing the Application Tier File System in Oracle Applications 11i

Q. What is difference between shared APPL_TOP and shared Application Tier ?
– In shared APPL_TOP, only APPL_TOP & COMMON_TOP are shared across multiple middle tier where as in Shared Application Tier ORACLE_HOME (Middle Tier 806 & iAS directory) are also shared except configuration files (iAS).

Q. How would you know about which servers are running on a particular node ?
i) Check value of variable, isConc, isWeb, isForms, isAdmin in CONTEXT FILE
ii) Control scripts – only the services which are running from particular node will have the corresponding control scripts installed on that node (This answer is partially right, depending on AD & FND version).
iii) Check FND_NODES table

Q. Adsplice – I have a 3 node installation: 1. Forms 2. Web 3. CM/Admin/Reports
and DB which node I will run the adsplice on, to install a new product ?
— You must run adsplice on all nodes (APPL_TOPs) so that application utilities recognize new product.

Q. There are four Oracle Databases running on a mahine. How would you check the location of their Oracle Homes ?

– Check entry in oratab file
— If you know any other way to find out update it as comment

Q. How would you check if the tablespace is in backup mode ?
– Check in v$backup
SQL> SELECT d.tablespace_name, b.status FROM dba_data_files d, v$backup b
WHERE d.file_id = b.FILE# and b.STATUS = ‘ACTIVE’ ;

Q. When Database is up, listener is up. listener.ora and tnsnames.ora both are configured properly, still client is not being able to make a connection to the database. What may be the possible issues ?
— Firewall blocking db port between client and server
— Authentication restricted in sqlnet.ora (Client allowed from only selected machines)

Q. What is “Custom TOP” in apps ?
– Custom top is similar to other tops under APPL_TOP but containing custom (client) specific functionality. Apps DBA need to define custom TOP and register all custom code under CUSTOM TOP

Q. if you find that under $FND_TOP/secure directory, there are many .dbc files, how would you know which is the correct one ?
— System picks up dbc file based on profile option value “Applications Database ID

About the Author Atul Kumar

Oracle ACE, Author, Speaker and Founder of K21 Technologies & K21 Academy : Specialising in Design, Implement, and Trainings.

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venu says December 2, 2008

There are four Oracle Databases running on a mahine. How would you check the location of their Oracle Homes ?

We can also find it out by checking the listerner processes. Ofcourse this is possible only if all the listeners are up.

ps -ef|grep tns

khan says December 29, 2008

You can check in /var/opt/oracle/oratab file

Sadanand says November 30, 2017

I am looking for Oracle Apps dba Job where i want grow in application dba industry.

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